Monday, May 17, 2010

Wandering throught Milan as Robinson Crusoe

Today I: had the English written exam (which ended bad), bought a horrible copy of "Robinson Crusoe" by Daniel Defoe for English Literature (Collins Classics, not Penguin Classics as I wanted, necessity won against style) and the only right thing was sunlight in my hair when I walked up and down Milan, wandering in the streets, losing my way -I was looking for a library but I forgot how to get to it, as usual-and I was surrounded by thousands of people of different culture and way of life, someone was happy, another was starving, Piazza Duomo is full of this, it's quite confusing. Oh, and I got a 26/30 in French, which is not that bad, given the fact that I'm beginner in that language. But something still seems negative, I don't know why. I think I'm gonna fall into the world of telefilms until I feel better. I'm telefilm-addicted!

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