Sunday, May 30, 2010

Can't take my eyes off of you

The wonderful Heath Ledger in "1o things I hate about you" (1999) with Julia Stiles (Save the Last Dance, Mona Lisa Smile) and Joseph Gordon-Levitt (500 days of Summer). Patrick Verona is trying to conquer Kat, singing in front of the school, jumping and smiling! Beautiful scene, Heath was marvellous in every film he acted in.

Friday, May 28, 2010

The wonder of a fairy tale

I have a dream, a song to sing, to help me cope with anything If you see the wonder of the fairy tale You can take the future even if you fail I believe in angels, something good in everything I see I believe in angels, when I know the time is right for me I'll cross the stream, I have a dream I have a dream, a fantasy, to help me through reality And my destination makes it worth the while Pushing through the darkness still another mile I believe in angels, something good in everything I see I believe in angels, when I know the time is right for me I'll cross the stream, I have a dream I'll cross the stream, I have a dream I have a dream, a song to sing, to help me cope with anything If you see the wonder of a fairy tale You can take the future even if you fail I believe in angels, something good in everything I see I believe in angels, when I know the time is right for me I'll cross the stream, I have a dream I'll cross the stream, I have a dream

I love this song! I saw "Mamma mia!" (the movie) last year, one of these days of May, and it gave me a lot of emotions: hope, happiness, and a feeling which seemed to tell me: "Seize the day!" It makes me cry everytime I see it! And Amanda Seyfried has got a beautiful voice! *___*

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Falling in love with life

May is coming to an end, suddenly.
Flowers bloom, but silently, secretly.
The sun shines, but we've got rain, this morning.
I feel time passing by, I feel the parfume of roses, I feel sunlight on my skin...
Many things changed from last year, I've known other people, I spend my days differently, but I still feel I have so much to learn yet! I wanna see other places, other worlds, fall in love with books, take my chance and don't give up like I did in my past!
I thank you for reading me, for feeling the way I do, for giving me advice which could help my life getting better. Just the act of writing on this blog helps me, because I don't feel alone and I love telling you my news and how things are, day by day. You're so patient!:)
(Image: "Lucciola", by Nicoletta Ceccoli)

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Hey there! I've just come to know about an audition for a musical in Milan, Alice nel Paese delle Meraviglie (Alice in Wonderland) and I feel excited because the thought of trying to do this audition is coming into my mind! There's a negative thing, though: if I gain a part in the musical (which I think is quite impossible) I should abandon university for a year and interrupt my studies, and I don't know if it's convenient... I don't know what to do, the audition is on 21th of June!:( What do you think I should do? Help me!!!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


News from the other side of me, the artistic one.
I've just uploaded some of my sketches on "Art can save us" blog, would you like to see them? Here it is a taste! It's called "Madame". Tonight I'm gonna upload other paintings, most of them are cartoons, I hope you'll like them.
Go and see all of them:
Ps: I'm loquacious today, sorry for the several posts which I hope don't annoy you:( It's a little bit of enthusiasm!

True Blood openings

I dream that love would never die

"I Dreamed a Dream" from Les Miserables sang by Idina Menzel and Lea Michele in an episode of Glee. How moving it was... and I personally love Idina's voice, even in Rent! They truly seem to be mother and daughter!!!

Love and Music

There's only us, there's only this, forget regret or life is yours to miss! (Rent)

Never knew I could feel like this, like I've never seen the sky before, I'd want to vanish inside your kiss, every day I love you more and more... seasons may change, winter to spring, but I'll love you till the end of time. (Moulin Rouge!)

Say you'll share with me one love, one lifetime, say the word and I will follow you... Say you'll need me with you now and always, promise me that all you say is me, that's all I ask of you. (Phantom of the Opera)

Monday, May 24, 2010

True Blood!

Last night I stayed awake till 3.30 a.m. (I perfectly know I am such a crazy person!!!!!!!^^) just to watch "True Blood", a series about vampires which kept me there in front of the laptop because it was (it is!) so fascinating and at the same time frightening!
I heard about it a few time ago, and then I read that title on Anne Rice's Facebook page, who was asking what her fans thought of that series about vampires (she's the writer of "Interview with the vampire", just to remind you) because she found it nice, so I recently decided to try and see it.
And last night I was amazed of what I saw! Of course it's not as romantic and sweet as "Vampire Diaries", that one is made especially for romantic teenagers like me and all that stuff, but also "True Blood" can be in competition with that!
I strongly recommend you to see it because it worths it! :) Even this series takes inspiration from a novel, or more precisely from Charlaine Harris' thing to do: read them!!!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Have a great week!

I promised you I would have post some of my sketches, so here it is one of them, a little, cute cartoon-like self portrait when I had bangs:) I love drawing little faces with big, wide open, astonished eyes! Obviously I made it this way: draw the figure, scan it, modify it with Photoshop.
Hope you'll have a great week! :)

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Open your heart

Open your heart to me, baby I hold the lock and you hold the key Open your heart to me, darlin' I'll give you love if you, you turn the key

Friday, May 21, 2010

Glee Flash Mob in Rome!

This is a video with people doing a flash mob to promote Glee on Fox Tv here in Italy! I wish I could have been there in the crowd singing and dancing! ^___^ Maybe I'll organize something like this with a couple of friends, but it needs a conspicuous number... mumble mumbe...

Little pleasures

Little pleasures like drinking a cup of tea or coffee in solitude, talking on the phone with friends (most of the time spending an hour in chitchat and laughters), feeling the warm light of the sun on my skin, talking with my rabbit, reading a good novel and be so trapped by the story that I'm not able to listen to anyone, watching Tv series in streaming until 2.00 a.m. laughing and crying alone, going to the cinema, spending a beautiful day with my love at the lake or in a restaurant eating so much to be sick (both of us are greedy!), putting my make-up on in front of the mirror, singing out loud and dancing through the house when nobody's there... this is what makes me feel happy and comfortable! :)

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Our universal language

"Because art is important. And because you believe in what you do and you want to honour that, and it is a tradition that needs to be upheld."
(Nicole Kidman, accepting Oscar for The Hours, 2003)
"Because art, in any form, is and has been and will always be our universal language and we should do everything we can, everything we can, to protect its survival."
(Penelope Cruz accepting Oscar for Vicky Cristina Barcelona, 2009)
Last night I was losing my time (wait- I don't find it losing my time, rather enjoying my time and spreading my culture and knowledge about human life) on YouTube listening and watching several Oscar Acceptance speeches, trying to find out what kind of person actors and actresses which I often see acting in movies are.
My favourite speeches were obviously the one by Nicole Kidman, and the ones by Julia Roberts and Kate Winslet. I was comforted by knowing that people I consider quite "untouchable" such as Hollywood stars feel the same way I do about art. I know I've got no experience yet, but ideally I felt comforted. I always thought I would become a singer, or I'd be acting in a musical, but maybe it'd be interesting to become writer, or best, director. Make people dream as I do... Mmm I think I'm raising this post to abstraction! Better stop. :)

For supporting me!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

I'd like to be stronger

Sometimes I feel so tired to hear they saying to me that I'm shy, I hate me when I feel insecure, for once in my life I'd like to be strong in my decisions, while I'm always regretting everything. I don't feel up to do what I want to do, because I see people who are better or far prettier than me, I don't think I could reach the top of my dreams. I wish I could have another face, another personality, another life. Maybe it's only a bad day, but uff... It makes me tired feeling like this. I know I've got to be more positive, I think I am most of the time, but sometimes...I see that for other people it's all easy, because they have beauty, talent and personality. I tend to step off, instead.

Mr Schue singing

How much I love Matthew Morrison's voice! ^^ Even in public performance he is divine!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The Point of No Return

The Phantom and Christine Daée singing together a burning song of love... How handsome is Gerard Butler in this part! :)

Gerard fever!

A name, a guarantee: I'm talking about Gerard Butler!
40 years old, blue eyes, great talent...
Isn't he hot??^^
I looooove his look, his voice, his acting... everthing!:)
- The Phantom of the Opera (beautiful, he's got a fantastic voice, I'll post a scene in which he's totally handsome, he will make you love him)
- Timeline (he plays André Marek, scholar of History, so cute and kind)
- P.S. I love you (sad, sad, moving movie, I loved him in it)
- Dracula's Legacy (strange adaptation of Dracula's character, set in the Twentieth century, parallelisms with Gospels and Christian faith)
- 300 (he plays Leonidas, King of Sparta, a strong character)
- The Ugly Truth (hilariously funny with Katherine Heigl, a good comedy to see when you're feeling down)

Monday, May 17, 2010

Wandering throught Milan as Robinson Crusoe

Today I: had the English written exam (which ended bad), bought a horrible copy of "Robinson Crusoe" by Daniel Defoe for English Literature (Collins Classics, not Penguin Classics as I wanted, necessity won against style) and the only right thing was sunlight in my hair when I walked up and down Milan, wandering in the streets, losing my way -I was looking for a library but I forgot how to get to it, as usual-and I was surrounded by thousands of people of different culture and way of life, someone was happy, another was starving, Piazza Duomo is full of this, it's quite confusing. Oh, and I got a 26/30 in French, which is not that bad, given the fact that I'm beginner in that language. But something still seems negative, I don't know why. I think I'm gonna fall into the world of telefilms until I feel better. I'm telefilm-addicted!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Behind these hazel eyes

I've never talked about my sweet sweet rabbit, have I?
The one in this picture is not her, but it resembles very much: her name is Lola (like Bugs Bunny's whimsical girlfriend, Lola Bunny) and she's quite a year old.
My sister and I love her, she's so cute and adorable, with her hazel eyes (I sometimes call her: "occhi-di-pralina", you know, nut with chocolate) and her proud portment!
She's lovely, that's all! :*
Unfortunately most of the time I'm in Milan at university and I don't have time enough to sit beside her and caress her and play with her, but everytime I come back home I'm happy to see her foxy smile behind the whiskers!
Do you have any pets? Tell me about it:)

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Friday, May 14, 2010

Here is the new blog of mine

This other blog is an experiment, I hope I'll be writing on it with the same constancy I write on this. Life is a musical! will talk about my personal life and all my interests, I'll update it when I have to say something. Art can save us, instead, is dedicated exclusively to art and all its forms: paintings, illustrations, sculpture, sketches, comics, jewelry, graphic design and so on. I hope it'll be interesting for anyone. The title of the blog is Art can save us (if you remember, it is taken from one of my older, philosophic, odd posts!)
Good reading! And if you have any advice to give me, please be free to do it! I'm not sure about it...I consider it as a "corner-blog", full of images and what I consider Beauty, my favourite artists of the past and those of the present.

I can accept what I am

"Don't you get it? Were all losers, everyone in this school. No, everyone in this town. Out of all the kids who graduate maybe half will go to college and two will leave the state to do it. I'm not afraid of being called a loser cause I can accept that that's what I am... But I am afraid of turning my back on something that made me happy for the first time in my sorry life." (Finn - Glee)

Typical of me

E' impossibile: ogni volta che vado su Anobii mi sento in colpa con me stessa! Dovrei leggere molti più libri, ma il tempo è poco e l'università richiede molto più tempo e impegno del previsto... Devo ricominciare a divorare romanzi come facevo da piccola.

Fin da quando ero bambina il mio posto preferito era la biblioteca, andavo molto spesso a guardicchiare le copertine, le ilustrazioni, poi dopo ho cominciato a leggere i libri d'avventura di quelle collane fatte apposta per ragazzi, poi ho avuto questa grande passione per i Librogames e sono passata finalmente ai romanzi veri e propri, agli scaffali della letteratura inglese e americana, a partire da Tolkien con la sua Terra di Mezzo, Hobbit e anelli, quindi Anne Rice, i cui vampiri sono stati la colonna sonora di una mia estate... Poi è iniziato il liceo e tutte quelle bruttissime materie come Matematica e Fisica e Chimica popolavano i miei incubi... meno male che c'erano Letteratura italiana ed inglese, Storia dell'Arte e Filosofia, le mie preferite! E ho scoperto diversi libri anche grazie al mio prof. di Letteratura italiana, che non mancava mai di consigliarci qualche romanzo o spillarci indovinelli su titoli, autori o trame... Con Twilight sono proprio caduta nel vortice della lettura irrefrenabile, il fregarmene del sonno che mi faceva chiudere gli occhi e dei richiami di mia mamma per andare a dormire una volta per tutte, perchè era come una dipendenza... Mi manca la mia infanzia. Era tutto più semplice, vivevo in un mondo tutto mio ed ero contenta di sognare e vivere con i personaggi dei libri... ancora adesso vivo in una mia dimensione, a metà tra la veglia e il sogno, seguo ancora con ancestrale fervore le mie passioni, a costo di essere noiosa o rompiscatole. Perchè mi fanno compagnia, sono parte di me. Lo so che dovrei imparare a vivere nel mondo concreto, ma è così bello rimanere sospesi in un sogno ad occhi aperti o lasciarsi cullare dalla musica, o fantasticare su come mi troverei bene nel mondo di Glee!

Un giorno scriverò della mia stranissima teoria di come una sensazione comune può unire gente di qualsiasi nazionalità, ed è anche per questa ragione che studio Lingue, perchè sento di voler appartenere al mondo, non solo all'Italia o peggio al piccolo paese in cui vivo! Ho bisogno di confrontarmi, e magari più in là nel tempo sarò anche derisa perchè non riuscirò mai ad integrarmi pienamente in una cultura diversa dalla mia, ma ci voglio provare! Ecco, sono partita dai libri e sono arrivata alla mia mania di universalità dello spirito umano e di appartenenza al mondo. Tipico di me.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Glee gone wild

Turn around, bright eyes

I loved this song till the first moment I heard it! Last night I saw one of the last episodes of Glee, and there it was! How much I adore the chemistry between Rachel and Finn, they're so cute...and their voices are fantastic! I think (after Mr Schues, obviously) Finn is my favourite character. What's yours? Answer the poll!

Rachel and Finn: I simply love them!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Not only Glee!

These days I'm filling my eyes and ears with telefilms of any kind, and I'm crazy for them! I know real life is here to be lived, but sometimes I can't take my eyes off a good episode of my favourite telefilms, which I see the most in streaming because unfortunately I live in Italy and all the news come late and late!
Just wanted to write that I'm addicted to: Glee, which you know I love with all my heart, "heart and soul"! Then we've got Vampire Diaries (last night I went to bed at 2.00 a.m. because I wanted more), and lately my sister discovered this new one (new for us), which is on Italian Mtv every Thursday evening: 10 things I hate about you, based on the film with Heath Ledger (love you) and Julia Stiles. It's amazing!!! ^___^
Do you remember when I wrote about Alice in Wonderland by Tim Burton and I told you that me and my sister would be the White and the Red Queen? Well, this telefilm talks about two sisters perpetually in conflict with each other, because of their different temper, and their life at High school and love stories (in the cast there's Ethan Peck, grandson of Gregory Peck, you can imagine how much is he handsome considering his grandfather!!!)

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


What do you think about vampires?
Do you like the ones of Twilight or Anne Rice's or Vampire Diaries? Are you reading any book about them, Bram Stoker, Le Fanu? How much do you know about them?
Personally I've got a little culture about them, but I think it's not enough to have the whole literary and cinematographic situation in mind. I've always heard about Dracula and all that stuff, but only in the last 6 years I read or seen a bit of vampires. Now is vampires time, as we all notice each day. Is it a good or bad thing? People prefer creatures istead of humans because they're more fascinating or because they hurt much less than real persons who can be mean and dangerous?
Books: my favourite writer is Anne Rice, I didnt' read all the Vampires Chronicles, but a few: "Interview with the vampire", "The vampire Lestat", "The Queen of the Damned", "The Body Thief" and I'm reading "Pandora" in the original version. Then, I read all the Twilight saga, it caught my heart, I needed a character like Edward in my life! So: "Twilight", "New Moon", "Eclipse", "Breaking Dawn" and I'm reading the web version of "Midnight Sun". Obviously I started reading "Dracula" by Bram Stoker, but I didn't finish it! I'm ashamed.
Films and Telefilms: "Bram Stoker's Dracula" with Gary Oldman, Winona Ryder, Keanu Reeves; "Interview with the vampire"; "Dracula's Legacy" with Gerard Butler; "Queen of the Damned", "Underworld", "Van Helsing", "Twilight", "New Moon". I like very much "Vampire diaries", even though I never read the books. I love Stefan and Damon!
Maybe I'll write a post about Edward, Lestat and the vampires I loved and I'm still in love with. I wanna read "Let me in" by John Ajvide Lindqvist and other sagas, because I think sometimes I need a leap into imagination, like when I spent quite a whole summer reading Anne Rice's novels, they were so moving and seducing...