Sunday, April 4, 2010

"No Day But Today" at Livorno!

Italy has fallen in love with Rent, finally!

In Livorno will be on stage "No Day But Today", an adaptation from the musical by Jonathan Larson with songs in the original language and the dialogues in Italian, made up by Il Nido del Cuculo, an association whose leader is Paolo Ruffini, an Italian (sooo Tuscan!!) comical actor. It will be at the Teatro Quattro Mori of Livorno on 9, 10, 11, 12 of April at 9.30 p.m. (tickets available online. I wish I could go there and cry again on the notes of the most moving musical - according to my heart.

Unfortunately I cannot go because of the distance (not very distant at all, but enough for my pocket), but if you have the occasion, go there! How much I envy the cast!!!


L'Italia si è innamorata di Rent, finalmente!

A Livorno sarà in teatro "No Day But Today", adattamento dal musical scritto da Jonathan Larson con canzoni in lingua e dialoghi in italiano, realizzato dall'associazione Il Nido del Cuculo, fondata da Paolo Ruffini, l'attore comico toscanaccio dagli occhi azzurrissimi. Sarà al Teatro Quattro Mori di Livorno il 9, 10, 11, 12 aprile alle 21.30 (i biglietti sono disponibili online). Quanto vorrei poter andare lì ed emozionarmi ancora sulle note del più commovente musical, o almeno per me.

Purtroppo non potrò andare a causa della distanza (non è molto distante, ma abbastanza per le mie tasche!), ma se avete l'occasione, andateci! Quanto invidio il cast!!!


  1. I love that Rent! it just touches my heart!

  2. gosh, I wish they could make something like this in Poland! they made a Polish version of Rent, but it was just awful. I'm sure that I'll cry like a baby on it. I always feel like crying when I'm in a theatre, watching a musical.

  3. I love you girls, you just make me feel understood! *__* I always thought my passions were boring, but I feel so good now that I can write on this blog all that I am! Just thank you.
