Thursday, April 1, 2010

Can Art change the world? I think so

All my life I loved movies, and I'm sure I will always do. Even if most of them are fiction, fantastic and better than real world, I still believe in the ideals of directors like Baz Luhrmann (my favourite, he's a romantic genius) who was able to create wonders as "Moulin Rouge!", "Romeo+Juliet", "Australia", or Tim Burton and Terry Gilliam, whose talent and imagination know no boundaries.

I don't believe in God, but I believe in Life, and in Emotions. I've got a Conscience and a Heart, Blood runs through my veins, I breathe the Air around me and I smell the parfumes of Nature. I see with my eyes all that surrounds me and my mind dreams even when I'm awake.

I'm a dreamer, but I'm not that half-wit. I know there are things that must be changed, but I think that Art is important (as Nicole Kidman said when she got the Oscar for "The Hours"), because there needs true and good ideals to be taught in the world, otherwise violence and coldhearted indifference will darken all that's good and beautiful. Here it comes to my mind scenes and quotes from "Avatar", the colossal movie by James Cameron, that carried hope but also pointed out that a similar destiny could be that of our planet.

We live in times where quite nobody read books anymore, boys and girls who are just a few years younger than me (I'm 19-going on 20) don't think nowhere near about reading classic novels, they don't even know who were Dickens, Balzac, Stevenson or Goethe, if they don't study them at school or there's not a movie about them. It's frightening. Movies and TV must educate people! They are the last resort.

Through Art people can send out a message to other people, sugar the pill with romantic plots or satirical screenplays, but let the idea flies and alight on thoughts.

And that's what I long to do in my Life. Pursue my dreams and never lose optimism, trying to reach people' sensibility with Music, Art and Films. And Culture.

- What do you think about it?


  1. I know we really dont know each other but it makes me sad that you do not believe in God. He is the reason for everything. Everything around you that you love is because of him. You said I have a soul and you are so right about that and it is because God is in my heart and he shines threw me! I want you to look up a song for me and listen to it. It is call It IS WELL WITH MY SOUL I can not listen to that song with out tears in my eyes. I enjoy your blogs very much and we are alot alike when it comes to movies and plays and everything and you are right art can chane some one from the inside out, but you also need more then art. Please listen to the song and let me know what you think! *Hugs*

  2. I don't believe in God as well so I'll say something about your post as you asked : )). You're right. I love books and I think they'll always be with me, but I'm one of the last of this kind of people. there've been ages since I've last talked with someone about literature. and the saddest thing is that there are not a lot of movies made nowadays that ARE REAL ART. most of them is only commercial and maybe really pretty but without any message. of course, good and deep movies are made, but they aren't showed in media and it's hard to get them. I'm watching all of the great classics and movies recommended by critics, but my friends - not at all. and that's the worst thing possible. sometimes I feel like the art is dying. and I know that I can't do anything about it. this makes me feel hopeless... I'm glad we think the same way.

  3. I admire your faith in God, Heather, truly: maybe in Italy religion is different, tougher, because of our history. But I disagree: I've just listened the song you suggest me, it's true, it's really moving, but I can't accept the fact that I live BECAUSE of someone above. The only thing that I know is that I am living, and I'll try to live my life following my conscience, pursue the Good, I think everybody's got a soul which is peculiar, his own personality with all the human feelings: love, hate, pain, hope and so on. But I claim my freedom, maybe I don't want to believe in God because I want freedom, but from my point of view life belongs to men. Since I was a child I attended religious places and heard words from the Gospels, but 4years ago I realized I didn't believe in all those things. Anyway, I profoundly respect your faith, we simply disagree.:) *kisses*

    Ajrisz, thank you too for your reply. However, the most important thing is to get better the situation, faith or not. Good things seem to be vanishing as the art does.

  4. I guess you are right I am in Oklahoma and we are in the bible belt! Thank you for listening to the song, and Thank you for respecting my faith. I trully love your blogs and I believe you are full of life and you can do great things in this world!!! You are right about the Good things seem to be vanshing. I miss being young because everything was so simple and we knew how to enjoy little things. People are so consumed with things that do not matter and will not be around forever. That is what i love about the Twilight books you can get lost in them and if feels like you are in whole nother world and you can just feel the love between Edward and Bella, that is what people need they need to get lost in a good book and find true love (:
