Sunday, June 20, 2010

Is it too soon?
I've always been certain that a stage and some music could be my own world.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Just relax

Well, today I've done my English Literature exam: I got a 24, which is pretty good! (The professor asked me to talk about Milton, Defoe, Margaret Cavendish, The Merchant of Venice and Astrophil and Stella...enough!!!) I couldn't wait to go home and relax a little bit, I was so tired and nervous...that's why I slept from 6.oo p.m until dinner!:) Now I'm here to relax a little more, trying to decide whether to start Glee's Season 2 or continuing True Blood's Season 2! Tomorrow I'll think about the audition: I'll rehearse a lot, make some physical exercise, prepare an extract from Midsummer Night's Dream by Shakespeare. But now, now it's time to take my brain and let it sleep or stand-by while I'm watching my favourite series, which always give me some inspiration.
I want summer!!! Good night everyone!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Gotta take a risk, take a chance, make a change

I told you I was not gonna do anything about my audition because of many reasons.
Instead...I sent an email, "booked" it and it comes my audition on Wednesday 23th at 11.30 a.m.!!!
I'm so excited and frightened that I think I'm not gonna do it, I don't know if my feeble heart would stand all this tension and I'm sure it'll be a miserable mess! But the important thing is: I faced my fears and I'm in now! Of course there's much to do, and pretty small time to do it, keeping in mind that this Thursday I've got the English Literatura exam, for which I'm nervous because I don't consider myself ready to do it, but I'm crossing my fingers!
Afterwards, AAAAHHH!!!!! I'll go completely crazy!!!
There's a monologue I should prepare, a song to sing, a photo good enough to be given to the "judges", my curriculum which is fearfully empty and I can't dance like people who danced all their lives! :( Oh, I forgot to tell you, the audition is not for the musical of Alice in Wonderland (in Italian), but rather for "Cats" and "Happy Days", which is sssssscary!!!!! Wish me luck!^^

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

My problem is

My problem is that I am afraid of taking risks. I know, I know I need to seize the moment, I'm writing and reading it everywhere, but it's hard to do it practically when you're "tired of listening to the sound of my tears"... Obviously I'm talking about the audition...I have to send an email to audition, and I'm not ready yet, I've taken some photos, but my parents don't seem to be that interested in what I long to do in my life... I know they don't feel it's a good way of living and it's hard to find a work in that field...the showbiz, especially here in Italy, is bounded by good relations with the chief or the producers and all that stuff. For me, who had never taken a dance lesson or a singing lesson, it would be hard even to try. Maybe it'll take time...maybe it's not my time now, and I've got to wait until the day I'll show myself and perfect, improve my shape as a performer... I don't know.

Monday, June 7, 2010


In my whole scholastic career I've met fantastic people, people who have left a trace, a sign on me, in my heart and in my life. I don't know why, but I've always worshipped teachers who made me love their subject, in a way which is peculiar. It was true affection, respect and admiration.
I always thought I would have become one of them. A teacher. Their special mission, educating children, staying with them most of the time and learn by them, feel that something is happening, "a chain we'll never break" (as Cosette sings in Les Miz) is what fascinated me.
Teachers form you, they help you become what you will be when you're older, when you'll have to solve problems, when all you've studied will have be worth it. And the words they always used to say return to your mind and you miss them, you miss being a little girl with a whole, strange and fabulous world in front of you, falling in love with books and curious characters, fictional or historical, and imagining what would it be to live in their own shoes...
I think it's magic what runs between students and teachers. Unfortunately, every day I see how young people don't have respect of them, they don't give a damn about them, yes, I know school is often boring, but you could take the chance to learn something about life and what surrounds you.
I admit I might be influenced by my latest study of De Amicis' books, an Italian writer who thought education was important for future citizens of the new Italy after the Unification in 1861, but I'm sincere about this question. That's why -also thanks to my parents who always pushed me to learn, read, love, build my own culture- I am what I am today! My childhood has been characterised by school and the discovery of literature, history and many other interesting points of view and traces of humanity until now.
(Illustration by Norman Rockwell, Teacher's Birthday)

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Did you miss me??

Sorry, I've been busy these days, I've had an Italian Literature exam, it went well, I got a 30 cum laude, I'm so happy about that! Anyway, now I'm preparing my English Literature exam, which is more difficult! I hope I'll manage to finish studying all the authors in time! Shakespeare, Donne, Milton...and many others!
Oh, talking about the audition... I think I won't do it, but not for discourage or anything like that, but because I want to focus on my studies at university, but in September I swear I'll attend a dancing course or a singing school! So I'll be prepared for the future! :)

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Tosca Amore Disperato

"Tosca - Amore disperato", an Italian musical inspired by la Tosca, an Opera by Puccini, re-visited by Lucio Dalla. Here is the most moving song from the strange musical, her voice is so beautiful...

Amore disperato, amore mai amato...