Saturday, August 27, 2011

Inspiring quotes!

These are a few of the quotes I've been gathering on my wall and keeping in my heart for a while. The one from Curt Mega is quite recent. I suggest you follow him on Twitter, his tweets are always inspiring - he's a humble and sweet guy. You may notice that most of these quotes belong to people related to the amazing HP/Starkid fandom.:)
1) Fight evil. Read Books. (The Remus Lupins/Alex Carpenter)
2) Check out the bees, they don't buzz around for money! They do it for free, making love, making honey, spreadin' pollen, how can you not fall in love? And it might make you sneeze, but you better believe it's beautiful stuff! (Starship - Beauty)
3) That which makes you different makes you strong. Whether you're gay, straight, orange, purple, dinosaur...I don't care. (Darren Criss)
4) If you wait for opportunity to show up, you drown in impatience. If you actively create, you find yourself surrounded by opportunity. (Curt Mega)
5) Apprendre plusieurs langues, c'est s'ouvrir au monde, c'est s'ouvrir aux autres. (from a blog about learning French)
6) I'd rather be a comma, than a full stop (Coldplay)
7) I'll witness wonders, never ceasing
so much more than I could imagine with my mind (Ascendio, by Ministry of Magic)

Sunday, August 21, 2011

StarKid Life Missions Tribute

This is an amazing group I'm in. I can't believe I'm writing about it only now, since it's been part of my life since January/February of this year. I'm talking about Starkid Life Missions. More than 250 people from all over the world, accomunated by admiration for Team Starkid (if you don't know what I'm talking about, open this link please, you won't regret it I swear ), have formed quite a family. People can fangirl to the highest and craziest level, share feelings/thoughts/problems/joys/opinions and never be judged. Acceptance is the key word in SLM. And love. Yeah, there are love fests basically every day. We support each other as we were in a real family. We even have study groups now! I'm so proud of being part of something as special as this. It makes me feel alive. I love reading SLMers's experiences and dreams and plans for the future. Each one of us is unique and TOTALLY (or should I say TOASTERLY??) AWESOME and supermegafoxyawesomehot...and BEAUTIFUL. We're all beautiful. *proudsistertears*
lessthantree. #SLM ROCKS.